Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Criminal Acts and Choice Theories

Criminal Acts and Choice Theories CJA/204 December 13, 2011 Bob Bennett The choice theory has a substantial part to perform when contemplating the argumentation proceeding to criminal vivacity. The choice theory has its intrinsic significance while composing a plan of action for managing or decreasing crime. It is essential to recognize the theory and in what way or manner it influences the potential of an individual engaging in lawlessness and in what manner would an effort to manage crime appear supporting the choice theory. The choice theory has been brought to light from the compositions of antecedent theorists, Jeremy Bentham, and Cesare Beccaria. The affects of the choice theory determines how mankind discourages criminal activity (Schmallager, 2009). Within criminology the choice theory is also distinguished as the classical theory. The principle idea of the classical theory is that individuals cull behavior with the addition of criminal conduct. Individual powers of selection can be managed by multiple determinants such as the apprehension of castigation or the benefits achieved by committing a crime or illegal activities, which indicates that the more harsh, definite, and prompt the punishment, the better the chances to manage criminal conduct. The choice theory mentions that castigation should maintain four predominant ambitions. The first ambition is to use punishment to hamper criminal activity from occurring. A secondary principle maintains that when a crime cannot be hindered, the punishment should impel the offender to perpetrate a minor crime instead. The third ambition is to make certain that the offender applies no more violence than needed during a crime. The final objective is to counter crime as economically feasible. Rational choice is the judgment to perform a distinct kind of lawlessness or illegal activity established on the careful consideration of accessible information, combined with the element of personal judgment. The ational choice theory contains an outlook of crime that continues to be both offense and offender explicit. Offense-explicit lawlessness relates to crimes, where perpetrators will respond to selective attributes of specific offenses. Offender-explicit offenses relate to the reality that perpetrators are not easily provoked individuals who obligate him or her selves to antisocial behavior. Rather, he or she deliberate about whether they retain the prerequisi tes required for performing a lawless act that include their needs, ingenuity, talents, and apprehension level before determining to act out a crime. Choice theorists believe that criminal conduct is a personality characteristic and crime is a happening or event. Offenders recognize the freedom of mobility and privation of social restrictions. In contrast to other individuals, offender-explicit individuals have diminished self-control and seen unaffected by the intimidation of social controls. He or she is usually dealing with stress or is commonly confronted with severe personal complications or circumstances that drive them to adopt perilous behavior (Schmallager, 2009). Choice theorists have also examined the choice to perform a lawless act, regardless of its element, is contrived by the choice of location. The determination will rely upon the features of the mark and the methods available to execute the plan. It has been determined that offenders choose the location by the accessibility and ease of committing a crime with thoughts about the possibility of getting caught. Offenders pick their targets by pondering the character of the crime. A perfect example of this is how offenders will choose higher class households for burglaries or robberies, whereas he or she will select lower class households for the target of violent crimes such as in drug robberies from drug houses. Criminals learn the techniques of crimes to aid them in non-detection (Schmallager, 2009). Routine activities can be defined by the choice theory when discussing crime. Crimes rates correlate to the number of inspired criminals such as male teenagers, drug consumers, and unemployed individuals who partake in criminal activity. Most offenders commit crimes based on his or her narrow education, background, and lack of opportunities because of their education. If offenders were given the opportunities to improve themselves, he or she would not commit crimes. The rational choice theory includes the organization of crime and the molding of criminality (Schmallager, 2009). Society uses a couple of common models to decide which acts are determined to be criminal acts. The two models within the criminal justice system are consensus model and conflict model. Consensus model is defined as majority of individuals in a society who share the same values and beliefs. Criminal acts conflict with consensus values and beliefs, and here the term ‘conflict model’ comes into play. The consensus model explains that individuals within a society will agree on which activities should be considered against the law and will publish them as crimes. The consensus model assumes that a diverse group of individuals can have similar morals and beliefs. The consensus model presumes that when individuals stand together to form a society; the members will come to a fundamental agreement with the observance of shared norms, values, and beliefs. Individuals whose actions deviate from the standard norms and recognized values, and beliefs are considered to be a threat to the well-being of society, and must be punished. Societies pass laws to control and impede deviant behavior, which in return establishes boundaries for appropriate behavior within the society (Schmallager, 2009). The conflict model establishes those who reject consensus on the foundation that morals, norms, ideas, values, or behaviors are not absolute, meaning, multiple parts of society hold different ideas about value and norm systems. The conflict model carries diverse segments, which are separated into age, social class, race, and income. Those who engage in the idea of the conflict model are in a constantly struggling with one another for control of society. Those who successfully grasp control make the laws with his or her value system, and determine what is criminal and what is not (Schmallager, 2009). Resources; Schmallager, F. (2009). Criminal Justice Today, 10th ed. Upper Saddle River, N. J. Pearson/Prentice Hall

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Improving Organization Retention Paper Essay

Organizations often experiences staffing issues; therefore, one department will be asked to cover for another. However, these issues can be generated from several aspects within an organization such as staffing issues, financial issues, and organization retention. Subsequently, the organization administration must endeavor to sort out the best strategy to resolve these issues. In this particular paper the underlying issues involves staffing. â€Å"Strategies for improving the employee selection process include tracking recruitment sources; using realistic job previews (RJPs); using assessment tools and interviews to predict turnover; and hiring for fit and motivation (Barrick & Zimmerman, p.1 Para 6 2005). Moreover, an organization that implements a successful staffing approach will essentially establish a positive influence regarding employee retention. Nevertheless with this paper organization retention will be discussed in details, and work motivation theories will be applied to improve employee recruitment and retention at JC’s Casino. An examination of potential occupational stressors that are considered as a negative influence on recruitment and retention as well as a significant proposal will be demonstrated. Furthermore, the role of job satisfaction and its influence on retention at the casino, and recommendations for improving job satisfaction of the employees, and how that can play a part in successfully improving retention will be discussed. Ultimately, a discussing regarding counterproductive employee behavior occurring at the casino as well as what suggestions that would reduce the counterproductive behavior and increase productive employee behavior will be demonstrated as well. JC’s Casino This particular casino is in disarray as the result of unpredictable staffing issues, which essentially caused the casino dealers to leave. In fact, the dealers obtain employment with other casino that merely offered a lower wage rate in contrast to his or her former employment. Moreover, the casino housekeeping staff itself was experiencing issues because of the absenteeism and the high turnover of rooms. Consequently, this issue essentially impinged on other departments within the casino because of the required staff needed to manage the casino was lacking. Indeed, this concern did not impress the casino customers; in fact, it merely produced more chaos as the hotel had to adjust the check -in times, and hire additional staff to work in the luggage room. The customers who arrived earlier had to be accommodating as the organization policy entailed. However, the owner is unaware of the magnitude of the issues, which surrounds the casino itself. In essence, the owner merely knows of the specifics such as the dealers was dropping off like flies, and casino customers were becoming increasingly displeased regarding the untimely check-in transformation. Following, these issues and the whole story enlighten; one could understand why this particular organization desires urgent assistance as a means to improving the organization retention. Motivation Work theories One of motivation work theories that will be employed involves the Douglas McGregor’s X-Y Theory. Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) was the creator of one of the leading exceptional management theories without comparison. He hypothesized that a management position is considered as one of the most significant position within a corporation. In essence, he proposed that it was the manager responsibility to encourage and unveil the vast creative capability within people. McGregor introduced two significant forms of management approaches, which essentially started the development of his X and Y theories: the authoritarian and the participative. The Theory X authoritarian management style, employees are inherently lazy, and the individual would generally have to be forced to work. Nonetheless, under the Theory Y participative management style, employees would discover work as favorable. McGregor also emphasize that, under the proper management, all employees are naturally Theory Y employees (Kallio, 2006). The X Theory is primarily centered on a fashion of management and leadership that is authoritarian, whereas the Y Theory tends to employ more constructive aspects of leadership. Consequently, McGregor’s theory can relate to JC’s Casino situation as it expresses organization development. The Y Theory will allow the staff members to make progress and advance. This way of thinking, in view of this aspect it would be a plus to employ as a means to enhance recruitment and retention within The JC’s Casino. To embark on this journey first, the Y Theory will permit the manager to support employees’ incentives in place of reprimand and demerits. The Y Theory managers deem that each employee like work, and work for the good of the organization, which generates capitalization on competency between the employees. The Y Theory manager would give employees the chance of an independence of creativeness, which would form motivated and faithful employees who appreciate his or her job. The Y Theory managers also work toward building meaningful and productive relationships with their employees. These managers contend with McGregor understanding that the responsibility of management is to allow their employees to express their vast creative potential (Skidmore, 2006). One significant aspect, the Y manager would offer an open dialog with employees and other departments and through displaying leadership by leading with example. Domination and reprimand are not always the best, and the only method to create profitable workplace. In fact, the work itself should be asked and not commanded as a manager subscribing to the X Theory would be more likely to perform. However, the success of either of these theories would essentially depend on -the -job as well as the individual. Some people require unvarying direction and others will excel with little or no direction. In essence, it would fall back on what the individuals work best with regarding Theory X and Theory Y would come into play motivational wise. Another significant theory is called the Z theory founded by William Ouchi. This particular theory is identified as the â€Å"Japanese Challenge† within the management, which is employs the Y Theory and modern Japanese management principals. Although the employee within this theory must have the proper mind-set at all times for tasks with complete liability regarding the ultimate result of tasks. â€Å"Nevertheless, Theory Z essentially advocates a combination of all that’s best about theory Y and modern Japanese management, which places a large amount of freedom and trusts with workers, and assumes that workers have a strong loyalty and interest in team-working and the organization. An individual behavior and environment can change unexpectedly; thus, this particular theory lacks the strength, and direction contrasting to the McGregor X-Y theory that involves great motivational suggestions and reasoning. Occupational Stressors JC’s Casino organization have a high stress level profession as well as a high stress level that often surfaces between employees. This type of environment entails customers who are commonly inebriated and often irritated; thus, workers must intervene if necessary. Consequently, recruitment and retention should be meticulous because a casino environment can be challenging and not for everyone. According to researcher’s casinos that implement â€Å"Anger Management† courses that include procedures for recognizing and managing stress, which displayed a higher results regarding employee contentment (Internet Reference, Anger & Stress in Role of Job Satisfaction To implement employee satisfaction the primary focus would be directed toward researching other successful casino such as Ki-Joon Back, a Korean casino. This casino successfully has applied an employee job satisfaction and organizational assertion. The Korean casino embarks on requiring the employees to engage in a survey questionnaire; consequence aided management by enhancing the condition of employee satisfaction. Moreover, this type of method can be employed within JC’s Casino with the same results. One must first follow- up on the results such as provide ongoing training, health care benefits, and maintain an open dialog with employees. Each aspect should be permanent to ensure employee satisfaction, recruitment as well as retention. Furthermore, the organization should also present employees with necessary supplies according to the resources. When employees are provided with the required supplies it will create a better atmosphere and enhance self-respect and retention. It is significant to bear in mind that integrity generally starts on the top of administration and can seep into the workers (Internet Reference, Hospitality Quarterly Management). Employee Behavior According to Global Gaming Business regarding employee’s behavior within type of environment by which it emphasizes that when counterproductive behavior occurs in a casino the management should tackle the issue immediately as well as the peoples involved instead evading the situation. Casino policy should be made unquestionably and sincerely to employees who in turn create an appreciation amid management and staff. Management must be the voice of logic when dealing with rumor or complex concerns. Management must take the led to sort out personally grievances and issues on the floor during his or her shift, and one should by no means leave issues unresolved. However, JC’s Casino has two key vital focal points here concerning behavior perceived as counterproductive, which starts with Joe, the tyrannical pit boss, and the above rate of absenteeism among the housekeepers. Management must correct the issue with Joe; in fact, he needs to be taught that his method of working and dealing with his coworkers is causing counterproductive. His behavior is essentially causing the employees to perform inadequately, and resulting in employees to leave the casino. Joe must be retrained and needs to from this point on apply a Y Theory approach in which he works with his employees instead of his former method. In case for some reason he refuses or cannot adjust management must consider reinstating him or shifting him to a position because his behavior is not complimentary to the organization. Another point counterproductive to the company is the above rates of housekeepers as absent from work. The casino pays a fair wage, but because of the shortage of staff the housekeepers undergoing overworked and underappreciated beliefs. The casino needs to employ a new management agenda in which the managers had a better mentality and could create an enhanced working environment for the employees. Conclusion Indeed, based on this finding manager knowledge, skills, and abilities are highly necessary. A management position is considered as one of the most significant position within a corporation. The JC Casino entails numerous significant facets and layers that could be perceived as challenging and are causes for concern. If management maintains this model, change decision-making methods and mindsets, aid employees with healthier working conditions and with respect. This will lead to longer retention and will eventually lead to a better more efficient recruitment process, which will aid the JC Casino as it continues to soar, and becomes profitable. Management must correct the issue with Joe; in fact, he needs to be taught that his method of working and dealing with his coworkers is causing counterproductive. Ultimately, the corporation expects the manager to be prepared to work harder, and to put forth more effort than the others leading by the example. The effectiveness of either of these theories would ultimately come to depend on- the- job and the workers. References Barrick, M. R. & Zimmerman, R. D. (2005). Reducing voluntary, avoidable turnover through selection. Global Gaming Business Vol.9. No. 2, (Internet Reference, Hospitality Quarterly Management. (Internet Reference, Anger & Stress in (Internet Reference, Motivational (Internet Reference, Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 159-166. Retrieved April 4, 2011 Kallio, B. (2006). Mcgregor, Douglas. Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Retrieved on April 4, 2011, from Skidmore, M. (2006). Theory X, Theory Y. Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Retrieved on April 4, 2011 from, /

Love and Soul Mate Essay

Knowing that I would get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend is the best feeling EVER! Even after being married for years, my love still grows every day! I know I am with my soul mate and still can’t believe we have made it and have overcome so much in our life Knowing that I would get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend is the best feeling EVER! Even after being married for years, my love still grows every day! I know I am with my soul mate and still can’t believe we have made it and have overcome so much in our life njkj kj kj Knowing that I would get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend is the best feeling EVER! Even after being married for years, my love still grows every day! I know I am with my soul mate and still can’t believe we have made it and have overcome so much in our lifeKnowing that I would get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend is the best feeling EVER! Even after being married for years, my love still grows every day! I know I am with my soul mate and still can’t believe we have made it and have overcome so much in our lifeKnowing that I would get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend is the best feeling EVER! Even after being married for years, my love still grows every day! I know I am with my soul mate and still can’t believe we have made it and have overcome so much in our life Knowing that I would get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend is the best feeling EVER! Even after being married for years, my love still grows every day! I know I am with my soul mate and still can’t believe we have made it and have overcome so much in our life

Monday, July 29, 2019

Procter and Gamble Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Procter and Gamble - Case Study Example This is because; the organic sales segment increased its sale by 3% for the period between 2012 and 2013, compared to the general growth in the total sales of 1% (Procter & Gamble, 2013). The essence of P&G growing its brands to over 300+ is to ensure that it serves virtually every area of the consumer needs, such that the consumers are able to continuously purchase household products from P&G to satisfy every area of their life. In this respect, P&G has categorized its business into five segments, all of them seeking to satisfy the basic everyday consumer needs (Procter & Gamble, 2013). The probable products that will carry on the growth of P&G are the Baby Care and Family Care segment products, for example the Always sanitary napkins and the Pampers diapers, owing to the fact that this segment generates the company more revenues than the other four segments (Kumar, 2014). Some of the brands that the company will sell may include the laundry product Fab and also Fekkai hair products (Kumar, 2014). The investors of P&G should be encouraged, since the restructuring will maintain brands that earn the highest revenues for the company, while eliminating the most costly p roducts. The restructuring is informed by the need to lower the company’s operating costs, and thus increase the profit margins and the shareholders earnings for up to 4.3% (Kumar, 2014). A.G. Lafley is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of P&G (Nisen, 2013). Lafley management principles are making tough business decisions, and then mobilizing the whole team behind the decisions. The most inspiring thing about Lafley’s leadership style is that he does not leave strategies half-way developed, but rather pursues a strategy to the end, until its benefits or failures are well elaborate (Nisen, 2013). This strategy motivates the whole workforce to put their best foot forward until the results of a strategy are realized, which is what is creating more motivation for the P&G

Sunday, July 28, 2019

History of Transportation in New Jersey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History of Transportation in New Jersey - Essay Example From 1860, gradually the canal grew even more to permit 70 tons of boats to pass by. However, traffic reached to the climax in 1866 when the canal conceded about 889,220 tons of cargo. The canal was leased in 1871 by the Lehigh Valley Railroad, mainly to give the railroad the use of the expensive mortal properties which was located in Phillipsburg. In 1871, the canal started to turn down. It finally got abandoned in 1924 when the state of New Jersey took control. In the mid of 1924 to 1929, a large part of the canal was dismantled. (New Jersey's Great Northwest Skylands, 2008). Railroads that played a major role in the transportation history include the New York Central Railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad. The agreement of New York Central Railroad took place at March 14, 1836. It is one of the first railroads in United States. New York Central Railroad was known as the New York Central in its exposure. It was a railroad which was operated in the Northeastern United States. It served a huge part of Northeast which included widespread tracking path in various states of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and many more. It was mainly connected with Chicago and Boston. The Grand Central Terminal of New York Railroad is also known to be one of the best existing landmarks. However, in 1986, it combined with its previous rival, namely the Pennsylvania Railroad to shape the Penn Central. But unfortunately, the company got bankrupted and was taken over by the federal government and got united with the Conrail. The first four track and long distance railroad in the world were from New York Central namely Water Level Route. (Encyclopedia, 2004). On the other hand, the Pennsylvania Railroad was founded in 1846 and was an American railroad. It was leading railroad by traffic and profits in United States, all the way through the 20th century. At one time it was the biggest publicly business corporation in the world. It controlled about 10,000 miles of rail line. The Pennsylvania Railroad or PPR was united with at least about 800 rail lines and various companies. It still embraces a record for the greatest incessant dividend in the history as it paid out yearly dividends to the shareholder continuously for more than hundred years. The Pennsylvania Railroad constructed various grand passenger stations in different major cities, including Broad Street Station, Union Station, Penn Station, Penn Station which was built in Newark, 30th Street Station and Union Station. It served for the PPR's wide ranging passenger service. (Pe nnsylvania Railways). However, people like Cornelius Vanderbilt and Andrew Carnegie are among those people who have supported the construction of early transportation. If we compare both of them, Cornelius Vanderbilt was a thriving man due to his reputation of being a reliable boatman and secondly for charging fares lower than his rivals. He is also known as the transportation tycoon. In 1812, Vanderbilt got a label of Commodore because he was in command of the leading boat on the Hudson River. He sent steamboats where shipping was started and started to work on the ferry route flanked by New Brunswick and New York City. In 1840's, Cornelius Vanderbilt had about 100 of steamboats and employed people more than any other industry in United States. When he was in his 70's, he saw that the future is in the railroads, so

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Company Products and Processes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Company Products and Processes - Research Paper Example They are well packaged in bottles and cans ready for consumption anytime and anywhere. Some of the tea and coffee products include Georgia, Illy, Earth and Sky (The Coca-Cola Company, 2012). The company’s juices or juice drinks come in a variety of brands for consumption by both children and adults. Examples of juice drinks brands include Bright and Early, Fuze, and Odwalla. Water beverages come in various brands that include Dasani plus, Vio, and Zero. Sports drinks offer terrific taste and rapid hydration for the people who seek fitness at any given level. Examples of sports drinks made by the Coca-Cola Company include Fuze, Option, and Zero. Energy drinks brands include Rehab, BURN, Play, Tab, and Full Throme. These brands are good for people who have a high-intensity tendency towards life. This is because they contain ingredients like caffeine, B vitamins, guarana extracts, and ginseng extracts. Other drinks include soup and milk products including Hugo, Epika, and Godiva (The Coca-Cola Company, 2012). To provide and ensure reliability and consistency, the Coca-Cola system is administered by KORE (Coca-Cola Operating Requirements). KORE is a management system that assists the Coca-Cola system to tackle changes in the business landscape. The system attempts to support the company’s growth by developing an integrated quality management program that holds all of the company’s system-wide operations, production standards, and beverage distribution. The KORE system ensures that high product quality, safety, environmental, health, and occupational safety standards are maintained during production. To establish a proper governance process, every business in the Coca-Cola system documents, maintains, and implements a quality and safety system according to the KORE requirements. It isworth noting that the Coca-Cola system is made up of the company, its bottlers, and its consumers. The bottling partners play an important role

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Do We Know What We Know Quiz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How Do We Know What We Know Quiz - Essay Example It helps in expounding cultural, economic and political life of different societies. When one explore different areas, the experience acquired living among different people provide concrete information than the written sources in the media. The media provides insight information on activities and way of living in different communities. The media briefly outline what is one expect when were live among these communities. These social realities supplement the information we have, what we think we know and having common sense, we can derive the fact about the social, economic and spiritual life of any given society on earth. Amueshas, also called Yaneshas is an ethnic group in the Peruvian Amazonian forest. According to the media sources, Amueshas is a small group that is almost 2.9% of the registered indigenous inhabitant of the Amazonia of Peru (, 2015). The media sources state that Amueshas communities are located high altitude borders of River Picis, Cacazu, and Yurinaqui. Amueshas are dominant in Yaneshas communities. Their language group is Arahuaco. The westerns arrived in this region in the 16th century as missionaries and meet this group. The western intermingled with them and established a stable co-existence with this group. Western attempted to colonize these communities by consolidating them in towns and possessing their properties. Amueshas grouped itself and formed trade union that help to regain lost possessions’. The invasion of the white resulted in the change of life habits of Amueshas. They were hunting for obtain a daily meal, but this have changed. This group ha s diversified into agriculture and other forest activities as a source of income. Their tradition is one way that would help in knowing their way of life before the colonial era. The way this group has preserved it language would personal experience on customs. Expert authorities have always considered the minority groups in the Amazon forest as hunters. The

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Questions (see directions) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions (see directions) - Essay Example g survey, nearly four million or eight percent of the nation’s students were identified as LEP (Limited English Proficiency) students (Provasnik et al., 2007). In such a scenario, it is the responsibility of the schools and districts to ensure that these students adapt to the classroom environment and are able to make progress in varied subjects like English and mathematics. In keeping with the needs of students, many schools and districts offer a range of special education services for students with disabilities. Such special education services help them work in a laidback school environment with low expectations and a less competitive curriculum. However, over the years, research showed an overrepresentation of CLD students in disability categories, which spiralled into a national debate and also resulted in federal intervention. Research shows that race and the ethnicity can result in diagnosing a student as ‘disabled’, which can be detrimental to a student’s psyche and performance (NEA policy brief). Moreover, social stigma attached to special schools can affect self-esteem and deprive the student of the opportunity to compete with his/her peers. This resulted in ushering in changes to the definition of learning disability. Earlier definitions of learning disability were based on a difference between student’s intellectual ability and academic progress whereas now the revised definition emphasises more on the teacher. It is the teacher who must make accurate observations, make notes and interpret them effectively in order to facilitate proper assessment (Case and Taylor, 2005). Appropriate response to intervention (RTI) models and interventions can be useful to help students overcome academic hurdles and assess the nature of help required in their academic career. Research further shows that it is difficult to classify a learning disabled from an ESL learner because both groups have shared symptoms (Case and Taylor, 2005). From a linguistic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Medicare and Medicaid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medicare and Medicaid - Essay Example A state sets its own eligibility standards. Qualifying for eligibility depends upon age, pregnancy and disability status, citizenship, and other assets. The state includes individuals who receive federally assisted income-maintenance payments and who do not receive cash payments. Medicaid focuses on the group who needs the outmost assistance due to financial instability. Federal poverty line level (FDL) determines the families who will receive the Medicaid program. However, not all the poor benefit from or receive the Medicaid program. Among poor groups in America, about 60% are not covered by the Medicaid program. Under the Medicaid, the state makes an agreement with the Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) to pay the health care providers and reimbursed Medicaid expenditures from the Federal Government. All Medicaid beneficiaries are exempted from copayments for emergency services and family planning services and exclude pregnant women, children under age 18, and hospital or nur sing home patients. On the other hand, Medicare is a social, health insurance program intended for the elderly and disabled Americans. Medicare has four parts. Part A and B deal with hospital insurance while part C and D deal with prescription drugs.

Precision Pricing for Profit in the New World Order Essay

Precision Pricing for Profit in the New World Order - Essay Example This report discusses the concept of sprint selling by illustrating its basic elements and ways companies can implement this innovative sales approach. Sprint selling is a business technique that focuses on speeding up the time to close in order to increase efficiency and achieve better results for a company. To understand speed selling one must comprehend the consequences of going the opposite direction. All companies depend on having a cash flow in order to keep a business going. If it takes a company more than a year to close out its sales leads the firm is operating in a risky environment because overhead and operating expenses may eat up a company budget prior to achieving the sale. In the process of going for a home run customer that can bring high amounts of the revenue the company, basic necessities must be met, thus this is where sprint selling comes to the rescue. Sprint selling is a process that increases the chances of longevity because it ensures a quick sales turnover where a company obtains many closed sales in short periods of time. Spring selling works best a part of the integrated plan in which sprint selling is ut ilized as a combined strategy that involves the creation of a diversified customer portfolio. The responsibility of obtaining sales for a company is shared by the marketing and sales team. The marketing team concentrates on attracting new customers and sales leads, while the sales team has to follow up on those sales leads and are the ones that must close the sale. This means that the salespeople are the ones that have a greater influence on the total elapsed time of a sale cycle. The sales team has to incorporate a selection strategy of customer prospects that reduce risks associated with both extremes. Sprint selling works best for smaller accounts that require less hassle implying that a company can not solely survive with these accounts in the long term. Bigger accounts require more time and a sprint selling approach realizes the need of having a balance between smaller and larger customer. The approach does encourage to find ways to shorten the overall closing time for big accounts as part of the company overall strategy. Â  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ethical Challenges for Non-Profits Research Paper

Ethical Challenges for Non-Profits - Research Paper Example These organizations perform a vital function and oftentimes subject only the guidance of their benefactors. Their workers fight many fronts, in diverse fields, such as helping eliminate racial discrimination, poverty, diseases, hunger and political persecution, for example. They provide an important service which is often not very much appreciated and in many instances, overlooked because they work without much fanfare. A good example are religious organizations which provide food or soup kitchens, helping homeless people get a warm meal in the middle of winter. Their efforts cannot be underestimated for they fill in the gaps where the government and the private sectors fail at times. By working and aiding the marginalized sectors of society, they provide hope and meaning to many lives. There are many pitfalls and benefits to capitalism but one of the most egregious failures is that certain sectors of society can get left out. Globalisation has been increasing due to the big innovati ons in communications and technology which helped move people, goods and services much easier worldwide, as shown by higher flows of capital in foreign direct investments (FDI) but one drawback is that in some instances, some people ended up poorer instead of being richer. People with conscience are rightly concerned with this inequality and this gave rise to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and this paper takes a deeper look at one aspect of this issue. Discussion Corporate social responsibility had become a buzzword in business sectors because it is now considered a part of doing business; it is one form how an economic entity gives back to the community which has sustained it and is now generally conceded a part of continuing success. A good number of big or global organizations have adopted CSR as a part of their business model. It is now an integral part of doing business, and in this connection, many of them had developed their own models of doing so. The lofty goals of C SR evolved from its own attempts of having a good code of ethics in the wake of some previously questionable business practices; the goals are intended to make a company compliant with legal regulations, ethical and moral standards, and a good way to practice and embrace generally-accepted international norms of doing business. The prevalence of CSR today had been partly due to the active advocacies of nonprofit groups in the prior years which are now bearing the fruits of their work only today. A good CSR policy put in place guides the firm in making the best decisions for all stakeholders involved. A business firm can opt for several modes in how to go about implementing its CSR but three forms have been suggested within the context of this issue in which there are some nagging concerns on how best to execute a CSR policy in view of their profit motives as for-profit firms. A key issue involved is one of costs, in which funds and resources devoted to this policy can be evaluated i n terms of their efficiency and effectiveness. Activities and funds related to CSR must be maximized and the three options are to contribute (giving to charitable or nonprofit groups), to collaborate (by working closely and partnering with a chosen nonprofit organization) or lastly, to just build up an in-house program

Monday, July 22, 2019

Experiment on the Effects of Eating Breakfast Essay Example for Free

Experiment on the Effects of Eating Breakfast Essay It is always said that it is important to eat a hearty breakfast before a big day to ensure success. However, does this statement hold true when it comes to eating breakfast before taking standardized tests? We designed an experiment which would put an answer to this question. The experiment tests the spectrum of standardized test scores of those who ate breakfast versus the scores of those who ate nothing. This experiment would be a single blind study because the scientists would not be biased therefore they would have no reason to alter the test results; it is a purely research type experiment. There would be two groups involved in the experiment- the experimental group, which would be given a hearty breakfast thirty minutes prior to taking the test, and the control group, which would be given nothing to eat. The two groups would then be given the same amount of time to take identical tests. The test scores of the experimental group would be compared to the scores of the control group. If, as a whole, the breakfast-eating group’s scores were higher than the other group’s, it would prove that eating before taking a test would be beneficial to the grade received. The breakfast would be the independent variable and the scores would be the dependent variable. It would be important for the scientists to receive informed consent because they could not just experiment without the person’s permission because of ethical reasons. We learned a lot from doing this project. We learned how to set up a psychological experiment and identify different components of that experiment. We liked the satisfaction of setting up and describing our own experiment successfully. We disliked the rest of it. We designed an experiment to test how eating breakfast impacts the outcome of test scores taken shortly afterwards.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Principles Of Personalisation Processes

The Principles Of Personalisation Processes Personalisation is considered as a process that involves the usage of technology to accommodate the differences between the individuals. It is becoming an increasingly popular area within health and education sectors (Department of Health, 2008). When discussed in terms of Health care, Personalisation involves thinking in relation to care and support services in a completely different way, building care provisions around the person in a way as an individual with preferences, strengths and aspirations and combining them towards the center of the process of recognizing their needs and making choices about their living (Department of Health, 2008). It demands a significant transformation of social care so that all the processes, systems, staff and services are combined to put the people first. In addition, personalisation is indicated as offering people with much more choice and control over their lives within all social care settings. However, it is much of a wider concept than simply providing personal budgets to the people who are eligible for council funding. It also involves ensuring access to the universally determined services (transport, leisure, education, housing, health) and employment opportunities regardless of their age and disability characteristics (Department of Health, 2008). In a very short span of time, the personalisation concept has occupied its central place within the field of social work and adult care discourses in United Kingdom (Department of Health, 2008). A study involving a consultation process was carried out by Department of Health (2006), it was observed that people showed much interest in accessing personalised approach and they demanded for its need and they expected it to be made available to them easily and quickly. In order to make better provisions relative to personalisation, various people who participated in this consultation process questioned their need about the availability of social care providers and their services (Department of Health, 2006). But in order to make it possible, the health care sector needs a clear vision with a direction to make personalisation a strategic shift towards the initial prevention and interventions of dreadful diseases (Department of Health, 2008). However, this seems to be a challenging agenda that cannot be possible by social work alone and it requires effective working away from the boundaries pertaining to social care like housing, benefits, leisure, health and transport. On the othe r hand, demographic variations show a significant impact upon the number of people who care and support the family members and this in turn influence the available care provisions (Department of Health, 2010). Although personalisation is the corner stone of public service modernisation, in terms of social care it can be meant that everyone who is receiving care (regardless of their need level, statutory services) should possess an equal choice and control over the way through which the support is delivered. Social care providers (involved in carrying out social work) will be potentially able to direct the use of resources, building on the technological support, family and the wider community in order to enable them in enjoying their role as citizens in their communities (Department of Health, 2008). The document released by the Department of Health in 2010 on Putting People First offers a clear insight regarding personalisation along with the potential ways of its development when investments were made within the following aspects of support (in relation to the individual carers): Universal Services: support that can be made available to everyone in the community in addition to transport, leisure, education, information and advice (Department of Health 2010). Early interventions and preventions: helping people to live independently as long as possible and designing future cost efficiency systems. Choice and control: helping people in understanding about the way of spending in relation to care and support and thus allowing them to choose in accordance to their needs. Social capital: creating supportive communities that enable in determining the value of each and every contribution made by the citizens (Department of Health 2010). Personalisation by Effective Participation Personalisation through effective participation helps us in creating a better connection between the individuals and the group in a way by allowing users a direct, informed and creative rewriting in the script through which the service used can be designed, planned and evaluated (Houston 2010). This approach involves the following steps: Expanded Choice: enables users in providing a greater choice over the various ways of mix through which the needs might be met and to combine the possible solutions around the user instead of limiting the provisions in relation to any institution in question like hospital, social service department to which the user seems to be much closer (Leadbeater, 2004; Lymbery 2010). Intimate consultation: Here professionals work in an intimate relationship with the clients to help in opening up their needs, aspirations and preferences through an extended dialogue system (Houston 2010). Enhanced voice: This is very difficult to follow through a white paper agenda and it involves the use of expanded choice in opening up the users voice. Making comparisons through the various possible alternatives can help in articulating the preferences. Provision of Partnership: Generally, it can be possible to combine the solutions which are personalised to the individual if the services work in partnership. In instance, any organization a secondary school can form a gateway for the learning services provided not only by the school but also to various other companies, colleges and distance learning programs (Houston 2010). Advocacy: In this section, the professionals act as advocates to the users and help them to move their way through the system. This process can enable the clients in attaining a continual relationship with the professionals (Houston 2010). Co-Production: Professionals who were found to be involved in shaping the service were expected to be more active and responsible in offering their help in relation to the service delivery. However, Personalisation aids in involving service users, creating more efficient, and responsible package of care services. Funding: Within this, authorities need to follow the options or the choices made by the users and in certain cases-offering direct payments to the physically disabled people to assemble and obtain their own care packages. Funds should be left with the users for purchasing any good or commodity and this should be done with the advice of the professionals (Houston 2010). Role of Personalisation When considering the role of personalisation as an organizing principle with relation to the public service reforms, certain comparative studies need to be definitely performed with a broader emphasis on contracted services. Nevertheless, other public services do exist where in which personalisation fail in making a sensible approach (Duffy 2005). This can be exemplified by: Someone who is entering in to an accident or emergency service department do not need a dialogue but instead he needs a quick and competent action (Leadbeater, 2004; Lymbery 2010). Although in a public sector, defense is another area where in which personalisation principles cannot be applied and the people play a pivotal role in fighting against terrorism. Thus it can be understood that, personalisation can be used only in certain public services which can be of face-face (like education, social services and non-emergency health care departments), those depending to establish a long term relationships (disease management) and the services involving a direct engagement between users and professionals through which the users can play a significant role in shaping the service (Leadbeater, 2004; Lymbery 2010). Personalization- A Reality in 21st century Making personalisation, a reality for the 21st century definitely requires huge cultural and transactional transformations within all the parts of the system (not only in social care but also in public sector, whole local government). Over the past ten years, direct payment option helped some people by providing an ability to design the services they need, but the potential impact was found to be very less. But in the recent years, figures indicated that about 54,000 people out of a million received help through direct payment (Department of Health 2010). Since personalisation describes the change within the whole system it needs the presence of strong leadership to communicate and convey its potential vision and values. To achieve a significant shift towards its cultural side and to construct a delivery model (Department of Health 2008), it demands all the stake holders to work in partnership with others. Nevertheless, in future social care system allows individuals in undertaking their own choices with an appropriate support at the level they needed. It should be understood that personalisation need to be delivered in a cost effective manner. In addition, it must be recognized that personalisation with its early intervention and efficiency are not contrary and need to be strongly aligned in future to obtain better results (Department of Health 2010). Personalisation in relation to the Mental Health Residential Care Homes Personalisation in relation to the mental health can be defined as understanding and meeting the needs of the individuals in various ways that can seem to work best for them (Carr, 2009). Principles of personalisation can be applied in early interventions, prevention and other self directed approaches where in which the users are involved in maintaining and managing their own social support services (Lymbery 2004). However, it accommodates mental health promotion and its maintenance with a wider choice and control and thereby contributing to the improvement in well-being and quality of life. The above mentioned principles pertaining to personalisation can be applied in Mental Health Residencies to direct payments and other internal budgets (Mc Donald, Postle, Dawson, 2008). Direct payments: are in general, cash payments that are paid to the individual during which they can design and control the tailored support in order to meet the social care needs. Funding for this direct payments arrive from the respective local authorities (Fernandez et al., 2007). Though these were available from 1996, they are now-a-days considered to be as the only option for the people who are provided with the personal budget. Statistics indicate that direct payments users were found to be increased at a steady rate ranging from 50 in 2001 to 3373 in 2008 (Care Service improvement partnership, 2008). From the year of 2007 and 2008, the percentage of people using this option in order to meet their mental needs increased by 62% which was found to be one of the largest among all the care groups (Carmichael, Brown 2002; Ridley, Jones 2002; Spandler, 2004; Spandler, Vick 2004; Cestari et al, 2006; Taylor, 2008). But, when compared with the other impairment groups, the percentage of direct payment users in mental health is relatively low as a result of poor level of mental capacity, lack of awareness and non proactive attitude of managers towards the implementation of direct payment. This has been evidently noticed in my placement setting. Research studies indicate that, when offered with sufficient support people with the mental health condition will start to use direct payment option effectively and imaginatively (Carmichael, Brown 2002; Ridley, Jones 2002; Spandler, 2004; Spandler, Vick 2004; Cestari et al, 2006; Taylor, 2008). In a National Pilot Study of direct payments in mental health (2001 to 2003), around more than half of the people used a personal assistant in obtaining social, personal and mental support and they assisted the impaired ones in carrying out their daily activities and helping them in accessing community and leisure facilities (Spander, Vick 2004; 2006). Many barriers do exist for these direct payments in all the impairment groups and out of which many of them also apply within the mental field. They include lack of awareness, risk aversion and protectionism (Pearson, 2004; Fernandez et al, 2007; Hasler, Stewart 2004; Spandler, Vick 2005), potential difficulties in undertaking decisions pertaining to social care needs and other eligibility issues for the people whose condition changes within less time (Carmichael, Brown 2002; Ridley, Jones 2002; Spandler, 2004; Spandler, Vick 2004; Cestari et al, 2006; Taylor, 2008). Personal Budgets: The cornerstone of the Governments approach in creating transformations within social care especially mental health residential home care and relative support through personalisation is the allocation of Personal Budget (PB). My placement setting is a mental health residential home accommodating people with enduring mental health problems. I think individuals should be supported and assessed in conjunction with other agencies in order to meet users own needs, and by doing so a care provider can ultimately determine whether they are eligible for providing any social care funding. If individuals were found to be eligible, care providers can explain the amount of money they expected to receive in order to meet the needs (Department of Health 2006; Duffy, 2007). Individual Budgets: On the other hand, individual budgets are quite similar to the Personal Budgets and these incorporate various other funding schemes along with social care funding (Glendinning et al., 2008). The funding schemes include: access to work, supporting people, living independently, disabled facilities and grants as well as integrated community equipment services. A National Pilot Study on Individual Budgets took place in the year of 2007- 2008, it was observed that around 14% of the people were found to be with mental health condition (Glendinning et al., 2008). The pilot study concluded that people who receive individual budgets experienced much higher levels of independence and were more likely to commission their valuable support from the main stream community services instead of specialist ones (Bamber, Flanagan 2008). This application offered a better mental health support need along with the flexibility in comparison to other conventional services or direct paymen ts (Glendining et al., 2008; Manthrope et al., 2008). Many barriers were observed with Personal and Individual budgets in relation to the mental health field. The difference between the funding in relation to health and social care can also form a major barrier to the developing individual budgets in mental health (Glendinning et al., 2008). In addition, the following points need to be implemented within Residential care Homes in offering a personalised approach: Person and relationship centered care and support at the heart of the service offered. As the care home setting is considered to be as a community, the residents or the staff actively searches the various available opportunities to develop an effective relationship (Carey 2003; Bradley 2005). The managers working in care homes need to be sure that the existing services respond to the needs and should look for the opportunities to diversify the offered services. Staff should ensure that people has a live and breathe culture which is actively involved in promoting personalised services in a way by offering maximum choice and control for the people who are living in care homes (Cestari et al., 2006). Residents need to possess the accessibility to all the information and advices as they need to make certain informed decisions including those pertaining to advocacy matters (Cestari et al., 2006).Team work and effective communication is needed with the people in care homes. Staff development programs and the quality assurance systems must be introduced as they are considered to be crucial in offering a positive outcome. Care home managers should be nicely placed in order to understand the potential needs of the local communities. Effective leadership work should be carried out in a collaborative manner with the people who are using these services along with their families and carers involved in design and delivery of services (Spandler 2004). Assessing self directed approaches along with allocation of budgets (Cestari et al., 2006). If a disabled person lacks capacity in choosing a direct payment or any other option, the local authorities must help them in undertaking a best interested solution and decisions (Ridley, Jones 2002). Conclusion The applications of principles of personalisation with the mental care residential homes share a lot of core values (Carmichael, Brown 2002; Ridley, Jones 2002; Spandler, 2004; Spandler, Vick 2004; Cestari et al, 2006; Taylor, 2008) The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) laid down in 2005 supports the practices and principles of personalisation by empowering many people in undertaking their own decisions. It also helps the mentally disabled people in taking their own decisions as much as possible (Spandler, Vick 2004). But in principle, this may not seem to be possible as the people lack mental ability and the individuals need play a very big role in decision making processes that can only directly detect them. The first research study underpinning this approach was carried out by Norah Fry Research Centre at the Bristol University in 2008-2009 (Philips, Waterson 2002). The study suggested that people experiencing mental health problems and distress need to possess a better choice and control over their care (Carey 2003; Bradley 2005). The Personalisation Agenda in United Kingdom has more to offer in the field of mental health as it challenges the way through which health condition is perceived (Payne 2000). To implement the principles, the country need to support a social model in understanding the mental health condition and must recognize the important social factors that play a key role in contributing to that condition (Beresford, Wallcraft, 1997; Brewis, 2007). Thus effective and proactive leadership from the managers in senior position along with the direct payment support agencies could help in creating awareness within the general public and thereby aid in developing expertise (Newbigging, Lowe 2005). Therefore, in the context of mental health, it can be understood that a move towards the direction of personalisation indicates a move towards a feeling of independent living philosophy (Vick, Spandler 2006). Various projects need to be developed to support that move and various practical tools must be designed to effectively meet the challenges associated to the mental health field. In particular we need to aim in developing strategies that encourage champions amongst various other service users, forums for discussions and networking in a way that progress can be made in overcoming the challenges to personalisation in mental health field. In addition issues of negligence pertaining to poverty and inequality, its weak conception regarding i ndividuals utilizing social care work services, its view on welfare dependency and its potential for promotion as an alternative of challenging the depersonalisation in relation to social work, need to be tackled effectively in order to meet its future aims and objectives.

Furniture manufacturing companies

Furniture manufacturing companies EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The main challenge of furniture manufacturing companies is to provide innovative products in shorter time cycles, at reduced cost, and with improved quality. The furniture industry is driven by demands for products that are affordable and better than the ones they replace. In order to meet market requirements, industry has been moving to Asia, which is now the primary source of furniture. All countries in EU find themselves facing rapidly rising incomes and living standards that are pushing up labour costs and taxes. To maintain competitiveness, companies are rapidly transferring labour-intensive operations into countries like India, Malaysia, China, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Pakistan. As the benchmark for low-cost manufacturing, Malaysia is encouraging all the countries to move into higher value-added products and to invest in capital-intensive businesses. Malaysia consistently ranks highly on global and regional rankings for its attractive corporate tax rates, ease of hiring and well developed infrastructure. Malaysia was rated at eighteen for most attractive environment for highly-skilled foreigners according to the IMD World Competitiveness Year book. Malaysia has become the leader in the Asian furniture manufacturing industry. Malaysia consists of three federal territories and thirteen states in Southeast Asia. Bordering nations include Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines. The population of Malaysia is more than 27 million and covers an area of more than 127,000 square miles. KHAN Furnitures prides on the dedication and commitment to supply the high quality furniture with affordable price and for your total customer satisfaction. We have been growing to become one of the leading providers of desks and tables to schools, universities, and offices in U.K and the business development has been hard work but enjoyable one and has given us a solid reputation for efficiency of service, product knowledge and quality. Our company currently does its business in UK with the name KHAN FURNITURE intends to set up a manufacturing unit in Johor (Malaysia) as part of the mission and vision to be the leading provider of Dining table in the EU and has named the new manufacturing site as a KHAN MANUFACTURING UNIT. The main competitive advantages in locating the factory in Johor is the availability of the main raw material i.e., Mahogany hardwood, close proximity of suppler, low labour costs. Now the main task for the Company is to find a supplier who can supply good quality Mahogany hardwood, Staff Recruitment, staffing costs and approval of required licenses to set up the company. Our products are made by talented furniture craftsmen who lovingly pay great attention to each detail. High attention and consideration go into choosing the finest hardwoods; preparation of the wood; and hand-shaping, sanding, staining and rubbing. The finished products are then exported to Rotterdam (Europe) through shipping for sale. A Warehouse is leased at Rotterdam for the storage of Dining Table and sends to all the distribution networks when required. The company has chosen four distribution channels to sell the products to gain maximum market share. This project will not only enhance our current business but also will be increase the profit in future. 1. 0 INTRODUCTION The main concept of setting up KHAN Manufacturing Unit in Malaysia is based on offering a wide range of well designed and good quality mahogany dining tables at low prices so that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. The KHAN furniture makes it possible to serve the many by providing affordable products that contribute to helping more people live a better life at home. The project is about to setting up factory in Malaysia to produce mahogany dining tables for sale in Europe. The report begins with the main objectives concerned in setting up the factory in Malaysia. In doing so number of relevant issues is being considered this includes production process, customer issues and supply issues. Additionally it looks at the aspects relating to location, staffing and other supporting functions like the purchase, finance and information technology and also looks at the environmental issues, health and safety issues and further dimensions concerned with the competitive adv antage. 1.1 VISION AND MISSION The vision and mission is to be the leading provider of dining tables to the public in the EU within the next ten years at a profit. 1.2 OBJECTIVES To setup a factory in Malaysia to produce a range of Mahogany dining tables To offer our customers superior quality and unique designs furniture at affordable prices. Expand our product lines to meet customer demand and produce the best quality mahogany tables The new factory will enable us to cost effectively expand our product lines to meet European Union customer demand. The following are the three key goals that the KHAN Company aims at fulfilling by opening the new manufacturing unit at Malaysia can be summarised as: enhancing the international profile of the company controlling the quality of products (dining table) managing growth in order to ensure that it strengthens the financial position. 2.0 LOCATION OF MACTURING UINT Selection of the location is the main task of our project. 2.1 GEOGRAPHICAL VIEW OF MALAYSIA Malaysia is one of the largest countries in the Asia-Pacific group which has the predominantly forested areas of Sabah and Sarawak, across the South China Sea on the northern coast of Borneo. Its climate is tropical and often humid. Malaysia currently has 32.8 million hectares of land area, of which 24.8 million hectares 75.5 per cent of total land are classified as forest and tree cover. Of these, 19.5 million hectares are forest cover and 5.3 million hectares are tree cover. Of the total forest cover, 9.2 million hectares (47.4 per cent) are found in Sarawak, 5.9 million hectares (30.1 per cent) are found in Peninsular Malaysia and 4.4 million hectares (22.5 per cent) in Sabah. Malaysia exports furniture to more than 160 countries worldwide. Today, Malaysia is ranked as the 10th largest furniture exporter in the world; 3rd in Asia and 2nd in the ASEAN region. 2.2 SELECTION OF MANUFACTURING SITE Our manufacturing unit will be located in Johor which is in the southern portion of peninsular Malaysia. It is one of the most well developed states in Malaysia and has got all the facilitating conditions for the company to operate like the close proximity to port, airport and hotels. The location of the plant at Johor results in reduced overhead and supply costs. For example, lease rates, labour costs are low if compared to other places in Malaysia. There are many suppliers in this place who supply different types of mahogany hardwood for us to manufacture mahogany tables. This close proximity of our suppliers means lower transportation and shipping costs. 3.0 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Our competitive advantages include our unique furniture design and quality, a competitive pricing strategy, a strategic location close to suppliers and already existence of the company in the UK. TIME FACTOR The time is most important factor in any business nowadays because of our main U.K Office whom reaches the customer first for product marketing and getting the order and Our Malaysia Manufacture unit whom meets the customer orders most quickly. HIGH QUALITY We are using the Mahogany wood only for providing the quality dining table for long-term success of our business. The close proximity of our wood suppliers also gives us better control on getting the best quality of Mahogany. COST BENEFIT The mass production of dining tables gives us high economies of scale which makes us more cost efficient and low labour cost. FLEXIBILITY Our flexible manufacturing system to offering customized greater variety of products besides standardised products which enables us to cost effectively and the increased productivity which result to generate high revenue. PRODUCT AND MARKET KNOWLEDGE We have been in furniture business since many years and we know better about the style and demand of EU Customers and other processes of furniture manufacturing. Now to move in Malaysia Furniture market is another forward step and edge. 4.0 RECRUITMENT AND STAFFING We will recruit both internally and externally for the Malaysia manufacturing unit. . We have decided to select top management from the existing staff so as to maintain the strong element of the companys culture. We will first send internal emails to all members of staff with details of available positions and number of spaces available, highlighting the benefits of working in Malaysia such as lower tax deductions from pay, less expensive cost of living compared to UK and a stable political economy. The whole management team at manufacturing unit is approved by the UK Office and rest of the staff like Line Managers, supervisors other labour staff will be recruited locally. High skilled staff is essential for quality assurance at offshore manufacturing unit. With regard to product quality in manufacturing process, onshore managers as well as local staff will be employed at merit. This method of staffing is beneficial in the sense that local staff has an understanding of the local place, people and how the system works well. Primarily, most production workers like craftsman, operators/ manipulators will be recruited locally to save cost while those from the home company staff define the company standards and those working closely the work can be done more efficiently. Furthermore, main U.K company staff can support the development of local staff so that the reliance on parent staff can be gradually reduced. This can in turn help the company in cutting down costs in the long run. However upon enhancing their abilities and passing the quality audit, local staff will be delegated greater responsibilities and the scope of their work expanded. 4.1 MANAGEMENT STAFF It includes the Production manager, operations manager, Marketing Managers, Finance Manager, engineers etc. They will control their departments and give updates to main U.K office. 4.2 LOCAL STAFF The production force can be classified as forestry engineers and qualified for work in furniture production. The qualified labour force includes: wood converters ( mainly carpenters and tuners ) Manipulators/operators of the machine 4.3 EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS The following is educational requirement for our selection and recruitment: We prefer to hire production workers who have a minimum high school / vocational school education. For managerial position a minimum college education and some specific knowledge about furniture is needed. 4.4 EXPERIENCE CRITERIA We prefer our plant workers to be highly skilled craftsman with extensive experience in wooden furniture manufacturing. 4.5 TRAINING We will ensure our staffs undergo regular trainings in their fields to make sure we deliver best quality products and to increase the potential of the staff and raise the human capital of the company. 4.6 WORKING ENVIRONMENT We believe that we all are one family. We offer a flexible benefits programme, training and development programmes, discounts on products and services and participation in Company share scheme offers. The company has a proposal of implementing a procedure (whistle blowing policy) for employees to report any concerns confidentially.Workers need both manual dexterity and mechanical ability for many jobs .working conditions vary from job to job. Usually numbers of working hours in a week is forty but this may vary and there may be layoffs during slack periods. In addition to providing core remuneration benefits (including annual incentive schemes), holidays, sick pay, life assurance and pension provision. 5.0 MANUFACTURING PROCESS/CORE PROCESS We are only going to Malaysia for cost efficient and better production process and our product quality and customer satisfaction depends on our manufacturing ability. 5.1 BASIC EQUIPMENTS Basic and main Equipments in the plant includes a spindle shaper, table saw, wide belt, Sander, dust collection system, sprayer for finishing, hand tools and work benches. 5.2 DINING TABLE MANUFACTURING STEPS The following is the manufacturing steps to make the dining table from Mahogany wood: STRUCTURING AND DESIGNING MAHOGANY WOOD TABLE First Special computer programmes to optimize the layouts for each dining table. This provides the maximum yield of the material which lowers the cost of the dining table. Our furniture designers create specific designs of furniture. The designers make sketches and diagrams of their ideas. Drafters prepare blueprints of the designers plans. Highly skilled model makers build a piece of the furniture by working on the blueprints. Managers and engineers check the design and quality and then approve it for the mass production of that piece of furniture. SIZING THE PARTS Individual parts are cut from the mahogany wood using a panel saw, crosscut saw, planers and carefully labelled. MOULDING AND SHAPING THE PARTS WITH MACHINE We machine properly each part and use only the highest standard for machining the wood. SURFACE FINISHING FOR PERFORM FLAT WITH LAND SANDING The surfaces of the table are sanded before assembling the parts. ASSEMBLING / JOINING PARTS The components of the dining table are assembled. The face frame and mouldings are applied eventually. PERFORM FINISH SANDING The final finish sanding will be done for shining and better quality. CHECK DINING TABLE AND COMPONENTS FOR QUALITY The integrity of the dining table is verified and the finish sanding is also carefully inspected. FINAL ASSEMBLING OF THE TABLE All other accessories are installed e.g. Metal legs, Locks RUB OUT THE TABLE Finished piece is rubbed out to bring the piece to its final showcase condition before being delivered. (PACKING) WRAP AND DELIVER The dining table is carefully wrapped in preparation for delivery. Careful wrapping delivers the product without any damage to the destination point. CUSTOMIZATION: We know the importance of customization because it gives more help to capture the market and generate the profit than as usual. The products which are manufactured at our unit are available in a variety of resilient finishes and colours so that customers have the flexibility to customize the furniture to their individual tastes and order through any of our distribution channels. This added facility in long-term will give us a better customer retention rate. 5.3 COMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY OF CORE PROCESS We will receive the mahogany wood (after warping drying) from suppliers, the machine operators using their machinery like crosscut saws, planers, ripsaws etc cut the mahogany into different sizes and shapes as advised by the designers/engineers and the cut pieces are sent to the next department by conveyer belts or mill trucks. Machine operators then shape the wood into legs and top part of the dining table. Drill holes are used to make grooves in the wood. Stock handlers take the shaped wood pieces to the sanding department, where the workers smooth the surfaces. The sanded wood pieces are put together by workers in assembly and sub assembly departments. The surface is later smoothed down by hand sanders. Finally the furniture is send to the finishing department where finishers apply various finishing coats to color and seal it. Sometimes when there is a customized order the finishing is done by using special techniques such as distressing, which means processing furniture to make it look old and worn. The finished tables are then wrapped and send to the export target market to the distribution channels via shipping for sale. 6.0 QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT The main objective of our company is to give guarantee to our consumers of a perfect product and level of quality, which fulfils with strict requirements for material and workmanship. We will measure quality at every step including staff recruitment, marketing, purchasing, inventory management and site location. It is crucial to identify the typical quality issues related to quality of mahogany hardwood etc. Six Sigma Improvement model is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving and maximizing business success by minimizing defects and variability in processes. We will define the characteristics of processs output that are critical, getting picture of the current process by documenting it using flow charts and process charts and identify data sources and preparing data collection plan. Using data on measures to perform process analysis, applying tools such as Pareto charts, scatter diagrams, cause and effect diagrams and the statistical process control (SPC) tools. Improving existing methods to meet the new performance objectives and implementing changes. Controlling and monitoring the process to make sure that high performance levels are maintained. All the products manufactured go through the above process and any defects identified are rectified and are dealt immediately to deliver the best mahogany tables. We ensure that the requirements for materials and workmanship are observed partly by unannounced visits to factory and partly by testing of randomly choose furniture. Quality control label of KHAN furniture will be a guarantee for the consumer and an assurance that the furniture will be able to live up to all reasonable expectations. We will obtain a certificate from the standards and industrial research institute of Malaysia- SIRIM which is the body accredited by the Malaysian Administration for the development of the activities of standardisation and certification. 7.0 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT My teacher Alan Parkinson always said supply chain is very important for your Manufacturing Unit Project so I make the given below picture only for his satisfaction. RAW MATERIAL (MAHOGANY) Mahogany is a very large canopy tree, sometimes reaching over 150 feet in height, with trunks sometimes more than 6 feet in diameter above a large basal buttress. Mahogany is a generally open-crowned tree, with gray to brownish-red fissured bark. Mahogany is perhaps the most valuable timber tree varies from yellowish, reddish, pinkish, or salmon coloured when freshly cut, to a deep rich red, to reddish brown as the wood matures with age. It is fine to medium texture, with uniform to interlocking grain, ranging straight to wavy or curly. SUPPLIER Fair and effective Working with suppliers adds significant value to the products of the firm. We will buy the Mahogany from one Supplier so we get good quality wood but we also consider some other suppliers to avoid any shortage of supply. INBOUND LOGISTIC Malaysia has about 64,328 km road network which consist of main roads and highways. 90% of the goods and passengers traffic use this mode of transport in Malaysia and Malaysia has also good rail net work of more than 2,000 km and urban train project is under development with full speed. We will try to make arrangement with supplier to deliver the raw materials at the manufacturing unit. WAREHOUSE FOR RAWMATERIAL To avoid any shortages or to meet any last minute orders we need a massive warehouse which is located within the manufacturing unit. PRODUCTION PROCESS Production process has been explained above in detail. WAREHOUSE FOR FINISHED DINING TABLE It is important to keep the finished dining tables in stock carefully and send them when required by the distribution networks. To save the transport cost we have to careful about the weight of shipping container so we keep the stock till the required container weight. OUTBOUND LOGISTIC The strong growth in exports implied the increase of the harbour capacities. The main ports of Malaysia are Kelang, Penang and Johor. Our furniture is moved from Malaysia to Europe in containers by Shipping from Johor Port because it is the most cheap transport system for the furniture export and also environmental friendly. TOTAL DELIVERY TIME We are going to provide the furniture to whole Europe Union so the company has chosen Rotterdam port (the largest port in Europe) which is in Netherlands as the delivery point for finished goods in Europe. Rotterdam being the largest harbour in Europe and which is very near to our target markets gives us synergy and reduces transportation costs. The processing time for 20 ft container order is 6 weeks and 40 ft container is 8 weeks. For 20 ft container the space available is 30 Cubic Meter/ CBM, 40ft is 60 CBM and 40ft HC is 75 CBM. The total items that can fill into the container depend on the size of Dining table. The Finished goods are then delivered to the distribution networks through roadways, airways and railways throughout Europe. 7.1 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT ISSUES Excessive inventory or lack of inventory control can lead to wasted materials, either by using more than needed or purchasing materials deteriorate before use Our Purchase Manager will work closely with suppliers to provide just in time material delivery so that optimum raw material can be ordered. We will use a multipurpose solvent which can reduce our costs of managing wasted and facilitate recycling. We try to make arrangements with supplier to return unused materials. 8.0 CUSTOMER ISSUES For improvement of our quality and the success of our company depends on the satisfaction of our customer. 8.1 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP AND FEEDBACK We undertake regular consumer surveys, which include questions about ethics and respond to the results of these surveys when developing our products. We also obtain feedback from staff serving customers in our stores of their perception of issues that mainly affect customer satisfaction and build this feedback into our plans. 8.2 AFTER SALES SERVICE The complaints of the customer are handled centrally and we are proud of the process we have established. All the complaint investigations will be started within 24 hours of receipt and we attempt to resolve each one to the satisfaction of our customers. Our policy is to communicate with our customers in most of the languages spoken in Europe. All complaints are recorded to undertake a detailed analysis, monitor trends and identify key issues to improve our performance. We repair or replace any item if there is a justified compliant. 9.0 MARKETING STRATEGY Our target market is EU which consists of 27 countries :France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Spain, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia and Slovak Republic. European Union is big market for furniture and demand of Malaysia furniture is increasing with time so market strategy is main point of our success. Last year, according to Malaysian furniture export statistics report, it exported 12.6% to Europe of its total exports. The companys marketing strategy is based mainly on making the right information available to the right target customer. The marketing conveys the sense of quality in every picture, every publication, and every promotion. We cant afford to appear in second-rate catalogues with poor illustrations that make the product look less attractive than it is actually. We also need to leverage our products using specialty distributors and high-quality catalogues. This catalogue will be developed on each product line that will be distributed to interested consumers through all our distribution channels. The wood finish samples show customers the actual finishes and stains available with our product lines. Our dining tables are priced competitively and take into account production costs, competitive pricing strategies and consumer price sensitivity. 9.1 CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION Published research indicates that 51% of the total sales volume in the market goes through the retail channel, most of those major national chains. Another 23% goes through the direct sales channel, although in this case direct sales include sales by distributors who are buying from multiple manufacturers. Most of the remainder, 18%, is sold directly to buyers by catalogues. KHAN furniture has chosen four channels for selling its products in Europe to gain maximum market and be the leading provider of the dining tables in the next ten years: These are our distribution channels which will help us to sale our dining table in EU at every level: Retail Outlets Direct sales Franchises Corporate sales 10.0 SUPPORTING FUNCTIONS The following three functions are the supporting functions of our manufacturing unit: 10.1 PURCHASING THE RAW MATERIAL All the purchases made by the company are done fairly which means we treat our suppliers fairly by paying a reasonable price for their products. The purchase manager employed at the manufacturing unit has a wide experience in purchasing and also a good negotiator. The purchase manager is also trained in other areas such as supplier support that give him a powerful insight into the cost drivers in the price equation. However his brief is not to focus exclusively on price but on the future potential of supply relationships and generation of capacity. If price is a problem he will work to reduce the cost rather than looking for a different supplier. 10.2 FINANCE The projected cash flow statement and other financial statements shows that the company has sound liquidity which means that the company has got enough available funds to invest in the new manufacturing unit in Malaysia. It appears that company had a very successful year. 10.3 INFORMATION SYSTEMS The companys sophisticated information technology (IT) software enables collaborative planning and scheduling. The technology allows synchronized supply chain execution and design collaboration, which enables our company to respond better and faster to changing market needs and tastes. A update IT system will help helps us to sale the dining table directly on website and keep in touch with customer. 11.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE MANAGEMENT We will follow standards according to the ISO 14001 which is about implementing, maintaining and improving the environmental management system. Our company will demonstrate its commitment to sustainability through initiatives focused around resource conservation and responsibility. We will optimally take advantage of the triple-bottom line approach of sustainability which incorporates economic, social and environmental components of responsibility. We ensure ethical, social and environmental standards are maintained throughout the supply chain by auditing and visiting of our suppliers on a regular basis. Our main concern is manufacturing of furniture (dining table) but our audits also review ethics, health and safety, employee pay, employment conditions, use of child labour and environmental policies and practices. The main impact on the environment is waste management and energy use and our priorities lie in improving our environmental performance in these areas. Our usage of wood, electricity and cardboard is regularly monitored, as is our waste recycling and landfill performance. Sub meters for all utilities are installed throughout our manufacturing unit which will further improve our monitoring and aid us to target specific areas for improvements. Cardboard generated in our Retail outlets is returned to our warehouse site at Rotterdam in the returning empty lorries. We encourage staff to recycle general office consumables including paper and printer toners. Currently ocean transport has a growing demand because it is considered as the most environment-friendly way of moving goods around the world .As a company we are dedicated to reduce the impact on environment caused by our business so we choose ocean transport to export our goods to Europe (target export market). 12.0 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY KHAN Furniture Company is committed to the welfare of our colleagues, customers, suppliers and the communities in which we operate. The company has a firm commitment to social policies, not just for the company employees but also the supplier have to conform IWAY and they are audits to ensure that they comply with IWAY. IWAY provisions include commitments to high standards of health and safety, employee working condition such as access to rest areas and toilets, working hours and a minimum wage or basic salary. Employees and their families have access to confidential counselling and legal assistance helpline which operates 24 hours, 7days a week. 13.0 CONCLUSION This Malaysia Manufacturing Unit Project is very suitable and important to achieve the company vision of leading provider of quality dining tables with aim of profitability. All these factors and innovative operational strategies such as the JIT paradigm and the Total Quality Management (TQM) view of design and production, Production efficiency, well-planned cost structures, manageable size, attention to underserved markets, lower overall labour costs prove that the project is viable and the long term vision of the company can be achieved. 14.0 REFERENCE Scholes , k ., 2008. Exploring corporate strategy .8th ed. ch 5.pp 177-212.FT prentice hall. Bryde, D.J., 2003. Modelling project management performance. Internatio

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Great Gatsby :: essays research papers

Gatsby Essay Reserving Judgements is a Matter of Infinite Hope† pg. 6 F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This quote is the fundamental axiom that the book revolves around. Nick’s father told this to him and he hasn’t forgotten the quote or the intrinsic moral significance that goes along with it. So much is spoken and gossiped about Jay Gatsby before he is even introduced in the novel that no one knows his true character, except for the fact he’s a rich man who throws wild parties in West Egg. In the novel, both social image and the perception of wealth play important parts in illustrating the internal class structure of West and East Egg. The fact the Gatsby is such an enigmatic character makes the audience wonder about the internal make-up of his personality, since most of his life Gatsby has been trying to escape his true image. In the case with Nick, the narrator, and Gatsby, as long as judgments are not made, Nick can be optimistic about Gatsby and their relationship and hope for the best, even if the best situation is not always reached. Mo re generally, however, it advocates tolerance and understanding regardless of social status, or preconceived information.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Within the first chapter of the novel, there is already a contradiction and a questioning of Nick’s moral integrity as he regresses from his comment slightly. While he nobly and humbly mentions that he is tolerant and nonjudgmental, he also regards himself as morally privileged, having a greater sense of ‘decencies’ than other people. It makes sense that New York’s social dichotomy and the vast difference between the rich and the poor, the arrogant and the humble has given Nick a complete moral spectrum.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This quote not only symbolizes a creed that Nick lives by, but it also represents the ideal morality that unfortunately many of the frantic, materialistic, capitalistic easterners lack. Judgments and stereotypes and the declination of American values play a huge role in explaining the relationship with the two distinct sides of the neighborhood. The main distinction is between East Egg and the old rich people, who claimed their wealth through inheritance from ancestors who were among the richest people in the country, and the new rich people, like Gatsby, who obtained their wealth through entrepreneurial business that sometimes lacked integrity and morality. In addition to the difference in the assumption of wealth, the older rich people from East Egg tend to be more humble, graceful, and elegant with their riches, while the new rice West Eggers are ostentatious, and vulgar, as is characterized by Gatsby’s tasteless, wild drinking parties.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay -- essays research papers

Capital Punishment Many positions can be defended when debating the issue of capital punishment. In Jonathan Glover's essay "Executions," he maintains that there are three views that a person may have in regard to capital punishment: the retributivist, the absolutist, and the utilitarian. Although Glover recognizes that both statistical and intuitive evidence cannot validate the benefits of capital punishment, he can be considered a utilitarian because he believes that social usefulness is the only way to justify it. Martin Perlmutter on the other hand, maintains the retributivist view of capital punishment, which states that a murderer deserves to be punished because of a conscious decision to break the law with knowledge of the consequences. He even goes as far to claim that just as a winner of a contest has a right to a prize, a murderer has a right to be executed. Despite the fact that retributivism is not a position that I maintain, I agree with Perlmutter in his claim that social u tility cannot be used to settle the debate about capital punishment. At the same time, I do not believe that retributivism justifies the death penalty either. In Martin Perlmutter's essay "Desert and Capital Punishment," he attempts to illustrate that social utility is a poor method of evaluating the legitimacy of it. Perlmutter claims that a punishment must be "backward looking," meaning that it is based on a past wrongdoing. A utilitarian justification of capital punishment strays from the definition of the term "punishment" because it is "forward looking." An argument for social utility maintains that the death penalty should result in a greater good and the consequences must outweigh the harm, thereby increasing overall happiness in the world. Perlmutter recognizes the three potential benefits of a punishment as the rehabilitation of an offender, protection for other possible victims, and deterring other people from committing the same crime. The death penalty however, obviously does not rehabilitate a victim nor does it do a better job at protecting other potential victims than life impriso nment. Since a punishment must inflict harm on an individual, deterrence is the only argument that utilitarians can use to defend the death penalty. The question then ari... to murder someone because twelve rational people in a courtroom decided that it should be so? By the same token, a murderer can claim that their victim had violated their rights and did not deserve to live. Obviously that cannot be rationalized in any manner. No matter from what perspective it is viewed, capital punishment is murdering another human being. Even if a law is broken and the person has made the world a worse place to live, killing someone else can never be justified, especially by measuring its social utility. The world would be a better place if many people did not exist, but it would not be legitimate to exterminate everyone who does not increase the happiness in the world. Social utility cannot justify the existence of capital punishment, nor can it be used as rationale to reject it. Retributivism fails as well because the death penalty may be regarded as cruel and unusual punishment. Absolutism seems to be the only school of thought that cannot be logically dismantled. No evidence exists that would demonstrate the benefits of capital punishment and statistically the only thing that is accomplished is another death in society.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bio Medicine Essay

Two Cathy Ann Wilson-Bates Western Governors University EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE & APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH EBP 1 Brenda Luther, PhD, RN January 25, 2012 Task Two Introduction: What I have learned about working with children in a chronic healthcare setting like dialysis is that they are resilient beings with the propensity for rapid changes in their medical condition. Children almost always surprise me in their unique description of symptoms and pain. Depending on their age, they may not be able to describe the symptoms they feel or tell me â€Å"where it hurts†. A simple ear ache may be described as a â€Å"drum in my ear† or may be observed with non verbal cues like tugging on the ear. Acute Otitis Media is seen quite often during the cold and flu season. Recent clinical guidelines suggest waiting twenty four to seventy two hours before beginning antibiotic therapy. Parents of children with symptoms of otitis media are accustomed to receiving a prescription for antibiotics before they leave the medical office. Adults as well are preconditioned for the little white slip of paper from their physician. Waiting twenty four to seventy two hours to evaluate the need for antibiotics will definitely reduce the over-prescription of antibiotics as well as their efficacy. The waiting and watching of several days may seem like an eternity to a parent caring for a sick and crying child. Educating parents during routine visits to the physician office about the risks of over-prescribing antibiotics will help when the physician needs to discuss the possibility of waiting and evaluating before prescribing antibiotics. Providing a list of comfort measures parents can follow may help relieve the anxiety they have in caring for a sick child. Any comfort measure taken to reduce crying is helpful to the parent of a sick child, but mostly to the child. The following table and paragraphs will share the results of how one group of nurses at an outpatient clinic used clinical evidence to manage this situation. Source |Type of Resource |Source appropriate or |Type of Research | | |general information, |inappropriate |primary research evidence, | | |filtered, or unfiltered | |evidence summary, evidence-based | | | | |guideline, or none of these | |American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of|Filtered |Appropriate |Evidence-based guideline | |Family Physicians. Clinical practice guideline: | | | | |Diagnosis and management of acute otitis media. | | | |Causative pathogens, antibiotic resistance and |Unfiltered |Appropriate |Evidence-based guideline | |therapeutic considerations in acute otitis media . | | | | |Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. | | | | |Ear, nose, and Throat, Current pediatric diagnosis and|General |Inappropriate |None of these | |treatment. | | | | |Treatment of acute otitis media in an era of |Filtered |Appropriate |Evidence –based guideline | |increasing microbial resistance. Pediatric Infectious| | | | |Disease Journal | | | | |Results from interviews with parents who have brought |Unfiltered |Appropriate |Primary research evidence | |their children into the clinic for acute otitis media. | | | | | | | | | Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media. (2004). American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Family Physicians. Clinical Practice Guidelines: Diagnosis and Manegment of Acute Otitis Media. American Academy of Pediatrics , Vol. 13 No 5 1451-1465. This article is an evidence-based clinical guideline. It is a systematic review making it a filtered resource which is very appropriate for this situation. The article describes the current, (as of 2004) recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Acute Otitis Media (Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media, 2004). These guidelines show several different ways to treat acute otitis media depending on the symptoms of the child. It states that sometimes waiting to give antibioti cs is good and sometimes waiting to give antibiotics is not good. This article is appropriate and provides clarity on the topic. Block, S. L. (1997). Causative pathogens, antibiotic resistance and therapeutic considerations in acute otitis media. The Pediatric Infectious disease Journal , Volume 16 (4) pp 449-456. This article discusses antibiotic resistance and describes the bacterial pathogens which are responsible for infections causing acute otitis media. This article is appropriate. It contains a comparison of studies performed based on the different types of bacteria which cause acute otitis media. It stresses the importance of identifying the bacteria causing the infection before giving antibiotics so that number one the bacteria can be eradicated and other bacteria will not become resistant (Block, 1997). PE Kelley, N. F. (2006). Ear, Nose and. In M. L. W. W. Hay, Current Pediatric Diagnoisis and Treatment (pp. 459-492). Lang. This textbook source contains general information on the ear, nose and throat. There is much more information here regarding basic anatomy and physiology as well as characteristics of the ear nose and throat. The information regarding otitis media is basic and not an appropriate source of research in this situation for three reasons. Number one, the information is very basic, number two, it does not give any up to date information on how to treat this type of infection, and number three there is too much non-relevant information. McCracken, G. H. (1998). Treatment of acute otitis media in an era of increasing microbial resistance. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal , Volume 17(6) pp576-579. This article is a review of the known etiologies that may cause acute otitis media. The article gives up to date information on therapeutic approaches when selecting an appropriate antibiotic therapy. We don’t practice â€Å"cookie cutter† medicine. The same prescription is not always right for all patients or all communities where some bacteria’s may be more prevalent than others (McCracken, 1998). This is appropriate information for this group of people or community. media, P. o. (n. d. ). Interviews. (C. nurses, Interviewer) This set of interviews is simply raw data. General information can however provide great insight as to what is happening out in the community. For example, this information might shed light on the fact that if the parents are willing to hold off on antibiotics for example, would they be more likely to follow up and come back into the clinic when asked? The reaction of parents is dependent upon other several basic factors like finances, a belief system and possibly the ability to obtain transportation. Knowing how the community is going to respond to their choice may have a great effect on the decisions they make. When evaluating the findings of these sources cumulatively, one must first determine the causative pathogens infecting patients in this given community with acute otitis media. After pathogen determination we can determine which antibiotics may be most useful in eradicating the given bacteria. Careful selection of antibiotic therapy will reduce the propensity for antibiotic resistance. Watchful waiting may be a good thing from the perspective of increasing microbial resistance however we must always evaluate patients on their individual needs or on a patient by patient case. One size doesn’t always fit all. Patient education is the key to keeping the public informed of current practice. Physicians and Nurses need to be consistent in the lesson plan shared with patients and remain true to our scope of practice. Communication is essential between the physician, nurse and other multidisciplinary team members in order to provide the best care. There are many considerations in assessing if patients are able to withstand the waiting and evaluation period. Low income families are one example of how the waiting and watching method might not work. Parents may have to take time off work to come to clinic with a sick child. They might struggle finding money for the additional return trip to the clinic and may risk losing their job if they take more time off work. Many low income families may have already waited before seeking help thus creating their own watchful waiting period. They also may not be able to afford antibiotics and as a result may not give the full dose if symptoms have subsided. The perception is that they will save the medication for the next time symptoms arise. Confidentiality might be an issue in smaller communities. People tend to be concerned about neighbors and co-workers and some may not care to share their experience with others. This may be an issue for parents who don’t share custody as in the case of divorce. It is a greater issue when parents or partners don’t share the same fundamental values, especially those related to healthcare. Conclusion: Watchful waiting like the nurses in this clinic are looking at may be useful for some of the patients, but not all. Again, a one size fits all philosophy is not always appropriate in healthcare. Tools like algorithms may be helpful in determining the appropriateness for watching and waiting versus immediate action as determined by physical findings and social circumstances like parental adherence for follow up and ability to afford treatment. Whatever course you choose, watchful waiting or immediate antibiotics the best practice remains a plan of care based on the individual needs of our patients. References Block, S. L. (1997). Causative pathogens, antibiotic resistance and therapeutic considerations in acute otitis media. The Pediatric Infectious disease Journal , Volume 16 (4) pp 449-456. McCracken, G. H. (1998). Treatment of acute otitis media in an era of increasing microbial resistance. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal , Volume 17(6) pp576-579. media, P. o. (n. d. ). Interviews. (C. nurses, Interviewer) PE Kelley, N. F. (2006). Ear, Nose and. In M. L. W. W. Hay, Current Pediatric Diagnoisis and Treatment (pp. 459-492). Lang. Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media. (2004). American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Family Physicians. Clinical Practice Guidelines: Diagnosis and Manegment of Acute Otitis Media. American Academy of Pediatrics , Vol. 113 No 5 1451-1465.